Wednesday 7 May 2014

Salt affects a healthy weight loss program

Salt affects weight loss.  I ask people about sodium in their diet, the most common response I  is  hardly ever use salt on my food. there is Indian  receive about 80% of their salt intake from the sodium add to processed foods. Our body  only require about 500 mg of sodium a day. You may be thinking too much sodium is a hazard you only need to consider, if you are concerned about high blood pressure, you may not realize it has negative effects on weight loss .

it is important to  the distinction between weight loss and fat loss when considering the effects of sodium on your body. Salt does not actually have any caloric value and therefore does not contribute to add fat to your body. Now that you know how salt effects your weight loss plan, it is time to make every effort to cut back on your salt intake.
There are several ways in which you can reduce your salt intake. If possible try to eat foods without adding salt. You can also switch over eat healthy fruits and vegetables as snacks instead of eating tinned and salted foods. you will begin to notice just how good each and every food item taste. Fresh fruits and vegetables will each have a taste all their own. You will find that chips are not the only way to enjoy a potato. you will see an enjoyable weight loss and you will start to feel healthy.
A diet is  high in sodium or salt causes water retention. When you retain water you will gain weight, but  this weight gain is not permanent. It is best to reduce your consumption of sodium while you add more potassium to your diet. you will find that your metabolism will increase giving you more energy to meet the  your weight loss program.

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