Friday 9 May 2014

Health problems cause due to obesity

Obesity is root cause for many kinds of health related problems. Thus, it is important to control over increasing weight and shed it off.

The number of obese people is rapidly increasing in all over the world. For many, obesity is the root cause for several kinds of health related problems like heart diseases, diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer, breathing problem etc. Obesity not only affects our physical healthy but also has bad effect on our mental health. Since, obese people start to feel less self-esteem, stress, lack of attention and enthusiasm and try to skip all kinds of social gatherings, which creates their own world and to accept them as they are. Well, here we are going to discuss about health related issues occurs just because of obesity.
Heart diseases ad high blood pressure- Heart diseases and high blood pressure are somewhat interconnected. Obese people are more prone to have high blood pressure, which spoiled hart functioning and increases the risk of having enlarged heart, heart strokes. Due to extra fat the supply of oxygen to the heart decreases, which leads to chest pain. If, this combined with high blood pressure and high cholesterol level then the chances of heart failure significantly multiplies.
Diabetes – It has found that obesity significantly increases the chances of having type 2 diabetes. More than 80% of people with type 2 diabetes are obese and diabetes can cause to heart failure, blindness and nerve damage. However, it is possible to reduce the chances by reducing weight by having right kind of diet and exercise routine.
Breathing, sleep apnea, mouth breathing and so on. Breathing problems make you feel suffocated that can also lead to heart problems – Due to obesity people also have to face breathing problems like asthma failure.
Cancer – Obesity can also lead to have certain kinds of cancers like breasts cancer, uterus cancer, colon cancer, cervix cancer, ovary cancer and so on.
Gout – As much as your body obese as much you would be have chances of having gout attack. The high amount of uric acid in your blood builds crystal like substances and solidifies in and around the joints of the body. Even a sudden change in diet in a short span of time can also lead to gout attack. Therefore, before going with any sort of weight loss diet it is necessary to consult with a health expert.
Gallbladder diseases and gallstones - Being obese also increases the likelihood of gallstones, which can be extremely painful at times. Moreover, obese people are also prone to gallbladder cancer.

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